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Here’s how it went.

I got born on a farm in Nebraska in the 70’s. 

That means I’m a Gen X woman and that means powerful, revolutionary, cultural bridging things.

There was a preface to the work I do now that involved being a psychotherapist and becoming very ill. 

I was ill for almost twenty years. It was my full time job sometimes.

The chronic illness path to becoming caused me to re-write my entire approach to the oft-touted belief that pain is necessary for growth. It isn’t. I re-wrote a whole bunch of other beliefs too and I keep doing it. 

I found intuitive work because I was desperate. I kept going with it because it was the most compelling thing I had ever encountered. 

And I kept going and kept going until it became my work. 

I love this about humans. We get desperate and search. We find things and go all in with them. Then we do it again and hopefully always keep trying. And when we stay with it, we get there.

How I work


Getting into it with you about what you’re longing for, the big thing you’re creating, what’s so not working, what you know even vaguely is the right direction, is where I love to be. 


Living can sometimes feel like standing on a clamoring loud street crowded with other people and all manner of distractions, some of which present as something important. Seeing well can feel impossible. In my work, we hit the pause button on all of those clamoring elements, slow it down and find exactly which ones are important and sometimes it’s none of them. Sometimes we’re standing on the wrong street entirely and need to move to a different place. We’ll go stand there together, and I’ll point to what to pay attention to, what’s possible and what’s in the way. 


Attunement is my method. It’s maybe the most fundamental, most natural thing humans do. And like any skill that fascinates us, I’ve spent a long time honing my ability to attune, to you, to myself, to what’s around us, what’s calling us, and what is most needed in our processes. Intuition is so often the extra pathway that brings in the elements that will keep you moving in your best direction. It’s clever, it’s insightful, it asks the very best questions. It’s a power source I’m here to help you tap into.


What I offer


I’ll give you a lot of information. The information I’ll offer you is very clear and specific. Detailed. Grounded. Where there are questions about solutions, next steps, and processes, I fill that in as much as possible and it’s generally quite robust. I’ll leave you with things you can take action on and clarity about where to go next, inside of you, outside of you, whatever is the next best thing.


I’ll dig in with you. When there’s a choice between comfort and expansion, I choose expansion. And that’s what I’ll choose for you too. That doesn't mean I ignore process or pacing or deep deep care along the way. I pay close attention to what’s needed there. But I love going for it and I’ll match whatever boldness you bring to whatever we decide to work on together.


I’ll stay with you as long as you need. Working with me is sort of like Mary Poppins meets business executive meets your best friend who loves you so much and just looks at you when you try to pull one over on them, plus some hilarity and sometimes some gushing. I love going all in with you. I bring the relational skills I grew in my psychotherapy days and will always be straight with you, tell you everything I see, and support you throughout our entire process.

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